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Galexia publishes article on recent developments in internet jurisdiction - May 2007
Prashanti Ravindra has recently published an article detailing recent developments in the realm of Internet jurisdiction.
Traditionally, questions of jurisdiction are answered based on the territoriality, but this approach has proved problematic in online contexts, where transactions occur freely across national boundaries.
This article examines three recent cases in which courts have considered the problems of Internet jurisdiction: the order of the French Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris against Yahoo! Inc for its online auctioning of Nazi artifacts and memorabilia in Association Union des Etudiants Juifs de France v Yahoo! and the ensuing chain of actions in the US over whether US courts could exercise jurisdiction over the French parties; an order by a US district court against a UK anti-spam organisation in e360 Insight v The Spamhaus Project; and the assertion of jurisdiction of a Michigan court over a New York defendant who contracted with a Michigan resident.
The article was published in Volume 10, No 1 of the Internet Law Bulletin (May 2007).
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