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First Technical Assistance Seminar on the Implementation of the APEC Data Privacy Pathfinder - February 2009
Galexia Director Chris Connolly was invited to speak at the First Technical Assistance Seminar on the Implementation of the APEC Data Privacy Pathfinder, held in Singapore on the 22nd and 23rd of February 2009. The meeting brought together a host of international delegates to further develop an understanding of how to effectively implement the APEC Data Privacy Pathfinder.
The seminar, entitled ‘Making it work - cross-border privacy in practice’ looked at a range of issues surrounding the Cross-Border Privacy Rules System. The different sessions focused on the EU’s perspective of Cross-Border Privacy, the ability of trustmarks to offer consumer protection, governance issues and practical questions of implementing cross-border privacy.
Chris presented a paper on trustmarks, and participated in a panel addressing matters that relate to trustmarks.
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