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Global Cloud Computing Readiness Scorecard launched - 22 February 2012
On 22 February 2012, the Business Software Alliance (BSA) launched the BSA Global Cloud Computing Readiness Scorecard (2012) developed by Galexia.
The first-of-its-kind Scorecard analyses and ranks the legal and regulatory framework and broadband infrastructure of 24 countries based on seven policy categories that measure the countries’ preparedness to support the growth of cloud computing. Together, these countries account for 80% of the global ICT market.
The Scorecard also includes a detailed country-by-country analysis of legislation, regulations, case law, government policy and standards. The assessments include an evaluation of enforcement and implementation of existing laws in each country, as well as an assessment of compliance with relevant treaties and global agreements where applicable.
Each country's score is computed using a 66-item scoring grid and analyses. The scores are derived using a weighted system that allocates different weights to each section/question. A number of basic fact-finding questions are excluded from the scoring system. Each group of questions is weighted to reflect its importance to cloud computing and each individual question is also weighted to reflect its importance within the group. To help with the scoring and usability of the study, the assessments are based on a series of questions that are framed so that a "yes" response reflects a favourable policy setting for global cloud computing.
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