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3rd Global Cloud Computing Readiness Scorecard due for public release - April 2016
The 3rd Global Cloud Computing Readiness Scorecard is due for public release in April 2016 and will be available from <http://bsa.org/cloudscorecard>.
The Galexia / BSA Global Cloud Scorecard analyses the legal and regulatory framework and broadband infrastructure of 24 countries that together make up 80 percent of the global ICT market. The analysis is grouped under seven policy categories that are central to the growth and operation of cloud computing.
The study includes detailed country-by-country analysis of legislation, regulations, case law, government policy and standards. The assessments include an evaluation of enforcement and implementation of existing laws in each country, as well as an assessment of compliance with relevant treaties and global agreements where applicable. The Scorecard analysis is based upon a combination of published information and statistics and evaluation by independent experts at Galexia.
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