Submission - Joint submission to the 2007 Review of the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Code of Conduct to ASIC (May 2007)
10. EFT Code, Part C (Privacy and electronic communications)
- Q55 – Should the provisions about privacy under cl 21 be modified and/or extended to cover other areas or issues?
- Q56 – Should the status of the cl 21.2 guidelines be changed to make these provisions contractually binding requirements?
- Q57 – Should the EFT Code require that transaction receipts include only a truncated version of the account number?
- Q58 – Should the EFT Code require that transaction receipts not include the expiry date and/or other information that is not required for transaction confirmation purposes?
- Q59 – What would be the cost of implementing the suggested changes? Are there any implementation issues that should be considered? What would be an appropriate implementation timeframe?
- Q60 – Should cl 22.1(b)(ii) be deleted or amended in some way?
- Q61 – Should cl 22.2(b)(ii) be deleted or amended in some way?
- Q62 – Should changes be made to the EFT Code to address issues associated with products that only allow electronic communication of account information? If so, what changes should be made?
- Q63 – Should the EFT Code address the situation when an account institution receives a mail delivery failure message after sending a communication mandated under cl 22? If so, what approach should be adopted? How is this situation currently handled?
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