Consumer Protection in the Communications Industry: Moving to best practice - Issues Paper (July 2008)
7. Appendix 3 – Resources
- Telecommunications Codes
- Laws
- Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework
- Regulatory framework guidelines and analysis
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Telecommunications Codes
Communications Alliance, ACIF C513:2004 Customer and Network Fault Management, 2004, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C515:2005 Pre-selection, 2005, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C518:2006 Call Charging and Billing Accuracy, 2006, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C519:2004 End-to-End Network Performance for the Standard Telephone Service, 2004, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C521:2004 Customer Information on Prices, Terms and Conditions, 2004, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C522:2007 Calling Number Display, 2007, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C524:2004 External Telecommunication Cable Networks, 2004, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C525:2006 Handling of Life Threatening and Unwelcome Calls, 2006, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C536:2003 Emergency Call Services Requirements, 2003, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C540:2007 Local Number Portability, 2007, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C541:2006 Credit Management, 2006, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C542:2003 Billing, 2003, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C546:2001 Customer Transfer, 2001, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C547:2004 Complaint Handling, 2004, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C554:2004 Rights of Use of Premium Rate Service Numbers, 2004, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C555:2008 Integrated Public Number Database (IPND), 2008, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C559:2006 Explanatory Statement, 2006, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C559:2006 Part 1 ULLS Performance Requirements, 2006, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C559:2006 Part 2 Spectral Compatibility Determination Process, 2006, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C559:2006 Part 3 Requirements for Deployment Class Systems, 2006, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C564:2004 Deployment of Mobile Phone Network Infrastructure, 2004, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C566:2005 Rights of Use of Numbers, 2005, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C569:2005 Unconditioned Local Loop Service - Ordering, Provisioning and Customer Transfer, 2005, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C570:2005 Mobile Number Portability, 2005, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C609:2007 Priority Assistance for Life Threatening Medical Conditions, 2007, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C617:2005 Connect Outstanding, 2005, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C620:2005 Consumer Contracts, 2005, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C625:2005 Information on Accessibility Features for Telephone Equipment, 2005, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF G627:2005 Operational Matrices for Reporting on Accessibility Features for Telephone Equipment, 2005, <>.
Communications Alliance, C628:2007 Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP), 2007, <>.
Communications Alliance, G631:2007 Telecommunications Consumer Protections Guideline, 2007, <>.
Communications Alliance, C628:2007 Explanatory Statement, 2007, <>.
Communications Alliance, ACIF C546:2007 Customer Transfer, 2007, <>.
Communications Act 2003 (UK), <>.
Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth), <>.
Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999 (Cth), <>.
Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework
CHOICE, Submission to the Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework Issues Paper, 4 June 2007, <>.
CHOICE, Submission by CHOICE to the Productivity Commission Review of Consumer Policy Framework, February 2008, <>.
CHOICE, Supplementary Submission to the Productivity Commission Review of Consumer Policy Framework, March 2008, <>.
Joint Consumer Groups, Model Consumer Submission in Response to Productivity Commission Draft Report on Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework, February 2008, <>.
Communications Alliance, Submission to the Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework Issues Paper, 14 May 2007, <>.
Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW), Submission to the Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework Issues Paper, 28 June 2007, <>.
Consumers’ Telecommunications Network, Submission to the Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework Issues Paper, 25 May 2007, <>.
Productivity Commission, Consumer policy framework: Issues Paper, January 2007, <>.
Productivity Commission, Review of Australia's Consumer Policy Framework: Draft Report, Volume 1, 12 December 2007, <>.
Productivity Commission, Review of Australia's Consumer Policy Framework: Draft Report, Volume 2, 12 December 2007, <>.
Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman, Submission to the Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework Issues Paper, 3 July 2007, <>.
Regulatory framework guidelines and analysis
Australian Communications and Media Authority, Developing Telecommunications Codes for Registration: A Guide, 13 November 2003, <>.
Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Regulatory Guide 183 (RG 183), 4 March 2005, <$file/ps183.pdf>.
Commonwealth Inter-Departmental Committee on Quasi-Regulation, Black-Letter Law, December 1997, <>.
Communications Alliance, Communications Alliance and ACIF Codes: Status Report, January 2007, <>.
Communications Alliance, Providing information on the accessibility features of telephone equipment, fact sheet, December 2007, <>.
Edwell S, National Energy Regulation: The Way Forward, speech to Australian Institute of Energy, 28 November 2006, < Edwell.pdf>.
Minister for Customs and Consumer Affairs, Codes of Conduct Policy Framework, March 1998, <>.
Monash Centre for Regulatory Studies, Consumer Protection in a Deregulated Retail Energy Market, report for the Energy Retailers Association of Australia, April 2008, <>.
Office of Best Practice Regulation, Best Practice Regulation Handbook, August 2007, <>.
Segal J, Institutional self-regulation: what should be the role of the regulator?, address to the National Institute for Governance, 8 November 2001, <$file/NIGConf_081101.pdf>.
Taskforce on Industry Self-Regulation, Industry Self-Regulation in Consumer Markets, Department of the Treasury, August 2000, <>.