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Eighth ASEAN E-Commerce workshop held in Vientiane, Laos - March 2007
On the 28 February - 2 March 2007, the eighth ASEAN Workshop on E-Commerce was held in Vientiane, Laos. This Workshop (W8) was a gathering of around 45 delegates and technical experts, including more than 40 from ASEAN member countries.
This Workshop (W8) had a training and capacity building focus. The Workshop discussed the project Implementation Guide and provide information and resources on implementation issues.
The objective of this Workshop was to facilitate implementation of a harmonised legal infrastructure for e-commerce, including Online Contract Formation, Jurisdiction and Online Dispute Resolution, through the provision of training and guidance on the use of the Implementation Guide developed during the project, and the exchange of information between member country participants.
Workshop content included the following presentations and materials:
— Review and discussion of developmnts in member countries and international initiatives in electronic contracting,
— Training materials and worksheets.
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