

Strategic Privacy Consulting

Galexia has expertise and experience in privacy compliance and privacy management.

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We integrate our privacy products and services with business process, software development and technology implementation project lifecycles. Our projects have involved large-scale and technically complex applications. Typically in these projects, getting the privacy right is a core business requirement.

Our privacy consulting focus is on compliance advice and compliance strategies for organisations in a range of jurisdictions. We have direct experience of privacy compliance issues in Australia, the EU, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Taiwan and the United States.


Related Projects

Case Studies and additional research

  • Defence - Galexia provided initial privacy advice to the Department of Defence for their Identity Management Project. Read more »
  • Fidelity - Galexia provided regional privacy advice to the investment firm Fidelity International for their operations in the Asia-Pacific region, including a privacy compliance report, briefing notes on key privacy issues, and a regional privacy strategy. Read more »
  • New South Wales Roads and Traffic Authority - Galexia conducted a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) for the NSW Roads and Traffic Authority, covering the RTA’s potential participation in the national Document Verification Service. Read more »
  • Veda Advantage - Galexia was commissioned to prepare an independent submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission’s review of Australian privacy laws. The report analysed the privacy implications of credit reporting. Read more »
  • Asia-Pacific Region at the Privacy Crossroads - This article examined trends and developments in Asia-Pacific privacy laws, and the benefits and risks of the region pursuing either of the two leading privacy models - comprehensive privacy legislation as exists in the European Union, or self-regulation as proposed under the APEC Privacy Framework. Read more »
  • Privacy breach sanctions in the Asia-Pacific region - This article summarises the sanctions available for privacy breaches in Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Read more »

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