

CyberSecurity Research and Advice

Galexia has expertise in cybersecurity advice and conducts large-scale, global comparative research on cybersecurity strategies and infrastructure.

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Galexia is at the forefront of international research and advice on the policy issues that arise for countries addressing cybersecurity issues. This includes advice on national cybersecurity strategies, critical infrastructure protection and the establishment of cybersecurity management and alert systems. Key elements include:

  • Cybersecurity risk assessments
  • CERTs
  • Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) and industry collaboration
  • National and multinational cybersecurity exercises
  • Cybersecurity standards and audit requirements
  • Sector specific cybersecurity plans
  • Cybersecurity education and awareness strategies and campaigns

National Incident Management Structure (NIMS)We have expertise in the policy complexities that arise for countries addressing cybersecurity issues. We provide advice on national cybersecurity strategies, critical infrastructure protection and the establishment of cybersecurity management and alert systems.  

Galexia is currently engaged in a large-scale international benchmarking exercise of cybersecurity strategies and infrastructure. Galexia’s research on cybersecurity includes a detailed country-by-country analysis of legislation, regulations, government policy, standards and infrastructure related to Cybersecurity in 38 countries, including 10 Asia-Pacific countries and the 28 EU member countries. This analysis also identifies the key entities operating in each jurisdiction.

Galexia can assist clients assess geo-political risks, infrastructure, cybersecurity readiness and other benchmarks in addressing cybersecurity issues across multiple jurisdictions.


Related Projects

Case Studies and additional research

  • APAC Cybersecurity Maturity Dashboard - In July 2014 Galexia began work on an important research project for BSA - The Software Alliance. Galexia has been commissioned to prepare a report on Cybersecurity in 10 Asia Pacific nations. The countries included in the study are Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The report will be published in early 2015. Read more »
  • EU Cybersecurity Maturity Dashboard - Galexia has been commissioned to prepare a report on cybersecurity in 28 EU member countries for BSA - The Software Alliance. The report will be available in early 2015. Read more »
  • Global Cybersecurity Education best practice study - Galexia prepared an analysis of international Cybersecurity awareness raising and educational initiatives for the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) in 2011. The study included research and advice on 68 cybersecurity initiatives (both government and private sector) in 11 jurisdictions. Read more »

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