![[ Galexia Dots ]](/images/hr.gif)
Galexia undertakes a range of projects for both Government and private sector clients. The scope and location of our projects may be state, national, regional or international. The length of our projects cover short term (1 month) to longer term (4 years) and have ranged in value from $AU 50,000 to $AU 2 million.
![[ Galexia Dots ]](/images/hr.gif)
- ABS - Australian Bureau of Statistics
- ACCAN - Australian Communications Consumer Action Network
- ACMA - Australian Communications and Media Authority
- AEMO - Australian Energy Market Operator
- AGD - Australian Government Attorney-General's Department
- AGIMO - Australian Government Information Management Office
- AGOSP - Australian Government Online Service Point
- AHPRA - Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
- ANTA - Australian National Training Authority
- ARCA - Australasian Retail Credit Association
- ASEAN - Association of South East Asian Nations
- ASIC - Australian Securities and Investments Commission
- ATO - Australian Taxation Office
- AUSTRAC - Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre
- Austroads
- Baker & McKenzie Solicitors
- BSA | The Software Alliance (was Business Software Alliance)
- CALC - Consumer Action Law Centre
- CI - Consumers International
- CreditED
- CSIRO - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- DATA61
- DBCDE - Australian Government Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (formerly DCITA)
- DCITA - Australian Government Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
- DEEWR - Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
- Defence - Australian Government Department of Defence
- DHA - Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing
- Diabetes Australia
- DIBP - Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection
- DITR - Australian Government Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources
- DMA - Doll Martin Associates
- DPMC - Australian Government Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
- DTA - Australian Government Digital Transformation Agency
- Foxtel
- Fidelity International
- FWC - Australian Government Fair Work Commission
- Major Global Financial Institution
- Japan PIA Study Tour
- KWM - King & Wood Mallesons
- Law Society of New South Wales
- Level 3 Communications
- Lexis Australia
- LIAC - Legal Information Access Centre
- LittlePay
- LIV - Law Institute of Victoria
- Macquarie Bank
- NEHTA - National E-Health Transition Authority
- NOIE - National Office for the Information Economy
- NSC - Naval Shipbuilding College
- NSW-IPC - NSW Information and Privacy Commission
- NSW-RMS - Roads and Maritime Service (was RTA - Roads and Traffic Authority)
- OAIC - Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
- ONDC - Office of the National Data Commissioner
- QT - Queensland Department of Transport
- Qubit Consulting
- QVAS - Queensland Valuation and Sales System (QVAS)
- RAB - Regional Australia Bank
- RP Data (now CoreLogic Australia)
- Sensis
- Singapore iDA (Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore)
- South Australia - Office of the Chief Information Officer
- Telstra
- Thomson Reuters Australia
- UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- UNSW - University of NSW
- USYD - The University of Sydney
- Veda Advantage
- VIC-DIIRD - Victorian Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development (DIIRD)
- VIC-DSDBI - Victorian Department of State Development, Business and Innovation (DSDBI)
- VIC-DTPLI - Victorian Department of Transport Planning and Local Infrastructure (DTPLI)
- VIC-LHLA - Victorian Labour Hire Licensing Authority (LHLA)
- VIC-TAC - Victorian Transport Accident Commission (TAC)
- VIC-VAHI - Victorian Agency for Health Information (VAHI)
- Vodafone Australia