DATA61 - Independent advice and assistance on the development of a key security standard in the Open Banking / Consumer Data Right (CDR) framework (2018)
Galexia completed an independent review of the Consumer Data Standards - Security Profile (CDS-SP) as at December 2018.
Galexia provided CSIRO / Data61 with independent advice and assistance as they worked towards industry consensus on the security profile for Open Banking. This is a key standard that will help to facilitate the implementation of the Consumer Data Right (CDR) in Australia.
Data61 has been appointed technical advisor to the Data Standards Body <> by the Australian Government, and is tasked with delivering open technical standards that empower consumers to share their data simply and safely with organisations of their choosing - starting in the banking sector.
Galexia’s provided independent advice identifying and articulating key information security implementation decisions within the design of technical standards.
Galexia also facilitated a working group to develop an information security profile that aligns with the Financial Grade API (FAPI) Working Group <> Read/Write framework, using OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect protocols.
Read the report:
- Consumer Data Standards - Christmas 2018 Woking Draft » [External link]
- Independent review of Information Security Profile progress (Galexia) » [External link - PDF]