ANTA - Australian National Training Authority
- ANTA - Overview
- ANTA - Legal and Regulatory advice
- ANTA - National Authentication Workshop (August 2003)
- ANTA - Strategic Advice
- ANTA - Broadband Advice
- ANTA - Interoperability Advice
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ANTA - Overview

The Australian National Training Authority (ANTA) was a Commonwealth statutory authority established in 1992 to provide a national focus for Vocational Education and Training (VET).

For some ANTA projects Galexia was engaged by The Flexible Learning Advisory Group (FLAG), which was established as the key policy advisory group on national issues related to the directions and priorities for the application of information and communication technology (ICT) and had oversight of the National VET E-learning Strategy 2012-2015.
Initially called the Education Network Australia Vocational Education and Training Advisory Group (EdNA VET Advisory Group or EVAG), its name was changed to Flexible Learning Advisory Group (FLAG) in 2001. In 2014 FLAG’s role was covered by the newly established COAG Industry and Skills Council (CISC).
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ANTA - Legal and Regulatory advice
Galexia assisted ANTA’s Flexible Learning Advisory Group assess the legal and regulatory issues that arise from the use of electronic authentication technology in the vocational education and training sector. This included the development of detailed case studies in Australia and the United States and the production of a comprehensive paper. The paper outlines the current legal and regulatory framework for electronic authentication in Australia. It also covers general and specific legal and regulatory issues relevant to education providers and outlines suggested models for electronic authentication in Vocational Education and Training (VET).
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ANTA - National Authentication Workshop (August 2003)
Galexia conducted a National Authentication Workshop for ANTA in Melbourne in August 2003. The workshop considered strategic issues in the development of electronic authentication solutions in the Vocational Education and Training sector. The workshop brought together government and industry participants from all states to consider the potential business case for electronic authentication, plus a range of practical considerations and technical issues.
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ANTA - Strategic Advice
Galexia provided strategic advice to ANTA on the development of a national strategy for the use of electronic authentication technology in the vocational education and training sector. This included conducting national stakeholder workshops and designing a communication strategy.
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ANTA - Broadband Advice
Galexia provided strategic advice to ANTA on the requirements and availability of broadband for the delivery of online flexible learning solutions. This included attending meetings with Government agencies and reviewing research on broadband issues and ANTA’s draft broadband strategy.
![[ Galexia Dots ]](/images/hr.gif)
ANTA - Interoperability Advice
Galexia prepared a five year electronic authentication strategy for the Australian National Training Authority, including development of an interoperability framework for VET sector participants.
![[ Galexia Dots ]](/images/hr.gif)