ONDC - Office of the National Data Commissioner
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![[ Galexia Dots ]](/images/hr.gif)
Privacy advice and independent public PIA on the proposed Data Sharing & Release Bill and related regulatory framework (2018/19)
In July 2018 Galexia was engaged to provide privacy advice and an independent and public Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) on the proposed policy settings and related legislative reforms surrounding the Data Sharing & Release Framework.
The PIA was prepared prior to the finalisation of the Data Sharing & Release Bill and Galexia’s engagement process facilitated the Department of the Prime Minister & Cabinet <> and Office of the National Data Commissioner (ONDC) <> to adopt an iterative approach to the development of the policy settings and to the Data Sharing & Release Framework.
The purpose of the PIA is to assist in identifying and managing privacy issues that are raised by the proposed framework for the sharing and release of data that will be facilitated by the Data Sharing & Release Bill. The key proposals are:
- To enable a range of data sharing and data release activities for permitted purposes; and
- To create an effective governance framework for the proposed data sharing and the release of public sector data.
In September 2019 this PIA was publicly released with an accompanying discussion paper - all Galexia’s recommendations have been accepted.
![[ Galexia Dots ]](/images/hr.gif)